Monday, August 29, 2011

Meat eaters

Oh, deary me!! It seems I am not as bright as I thought; I just found out that humans eat animal flesh. Ugh, I don't know why I didn't know this before, I am 5 years old and a grown up. What is the matter with me? We are specialist feeders and only eat grass and grass products, if we are given anything else it can make us very ill. We should always be fed very carefully and because we live in a modern world where we don't graze 24/7 and don't share our grazing with other herbivores, we have to be given chemical wormers and have our teeth filed. I hate both of those things and so does Gretel. Gretel has a good trick for the horrible wormer. When Helen eventually gets it in her mouth she opens her mouth wide and and shakes her head and it all falls out. But she does not mind the teeth filing so much because she gets a happy pill before the work is done. Nice!!
Getting back to the meat eating, numpty Gretel says I should turn a blind eye. So long as the animals are well looked after and good animal husbandry is practised, what is the problem? Humans are evolved to eat meat. Peter's mother Joan, who I have not yet meet, is a very wise woman, and asks why does Helen become very upset when she sees animals being mistreated? Could the answer be that it is a evolutionary way for Helen to preserve herself and her offspring? So by caring for the animals they will never die out and humans will always have food to eat. This would have a good kick-back for us because there will always be lots of grass for us to eat. Anyway, Gretel thinks when we die, we will be fed to the vultures up in the park. She is going to take me there and show me; not too soon, I hope.
I have made two new friends this week. Limon who lives next door and assures me she is the purrrrfect cat and Maisy who is going to be my best human friend 'cos she would like to learn how to be kind to all equines and understand our needs. So I look forward to seeing you both again and this time I hope Limon will be able to find her way home unaided. Neigh 4 now.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure you'll have fun teaching Maisy how to understand equines.
